I have six months to reshape my life. I can do this.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Upcoming Lists...

I have been mulling the prospects of posting more lists. I like that list thing. So I am working on some other lists. They are:
- coolest men named Harold I have ever known
- five most important people in pop (rock) music history
- acts who should be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
- things that bother me about the Relgious Right
- coolest names of God

Those are some things I am mulling. The Harold List is almost done and I am really enjoying thinking about the most important people to pop/rock music. The rest is sort of floating around. Have a great Christmas. More updates to come after we find out some things about the family. Is mom crazy? Is grandma going to make it to New Year's Eve? This and more. Soon.


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