Making a Move: When it Started
So a few weeks back I said I would post about how we got to Newcastle, Oklahoma from Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Well, it is not a short story. It actually starts over two years ago, well before I began dating Danielle.
I finally decided to buy a scale to weigh myself. I knew I was obscenely overweight. But I had never really known how bad it was because I didn't have the number. So, I bought a scale. I took it home. I weighed more than the scale would weigh. It was devastating. Seriously, I just sat there and almost cried. I had never felt like such a failure in anything. Ever since my dad died of a heart attack, I was sort of scared straight. Well, in July of 2006, I had to return the scale for one that had 50 more pounds added to the weight limit. I needed almost all 50. That was sobering.
I met with a counselor for a couple of sessions to figure out why in the world I was eating so much. We figured it out. Then I met with a doctor and we developed a diet plan. Then in November it started. As I was journaling through October I really felt that God was making a covenant with me.
Basically, if I lost the weight, He promised me three things:
1. A renewed life and job.
2. A wife.
3. A new job to go start over, to start fresh.
A full year later, in December of 2007, God reminded me harshly about the promise I was ignoring. It was easy to stay where I was. But he clearly reminded me that He had kept his first two promises. And He would be faithful to keep the third.
So, around December, I started thinking, well maybe God would move me. Or maybe he would move US when we got married. But I thought we were looking at 2010 or 2011.
But his timing was a bit different. And he was clearly speeding the process up. He wanted us to move and move quickly. And we are blessed by that.
Coming Soon: The specific verses God used to move me. And later, besides the lame, age-old "God made me move," what else figured into the move.