Crazy, Man, Crazy
I have had an interesting week. Things are really busy right now at the work place. I am in the midst of a stretch filled with two disciple nows in Oklahoma, one Freedom Weekend here, a trip to Chicago, coaching my 3rd and 4th grade boys basketball team for Upward Basketball, bible study preps, teaching each week on Mondays and Wednesdays, preaching on a Sunday night...
Sometimes things get going so fast, I really have to force myself to practice the discipline of stillness. Today that is what I am doing. Practicing that discipline as I spend time with the Father. I need to just be still. Not rest. Just clear my mind of seventeen things that are swimming around relentlessly. And I need some people to stay the heck out of my office and stop showing me samples of paint, colors for carpet, curriculum and basically stop telling me the same stories. Ugh.
Well, diet news. Dropped five pounds since last weigh in. That brings the grand total up to 76 pounds. I have lost 76 pounds and here is what everyone says: "You can really see it in your face and neck." Apparently I was walking around with a big weeble wobble head. I never knew this. I thought I was fat all over. Maybe I am losing weight from the top down. Start with the head and move south. Most people brag about dropping inches on their waist line when they diet. I guess I should be bragging on my shrinking hat size. Before you know it, I will be wearing a visor without being so self-conscious. Oh the day when I can wear a normal size bandana or a do-rag. Before I had to fold up a beach towel seventeen times. Now a normal "kerchief" sized piece of cloth may just do the trick. Now I can shop for head wear outside of the table cloth section. You can really tell in my face and neck. Maybe the fact that you can actually see a difference between the two helps. I guess I used to be some Jabba-like creature, where the head and neck were just one mass of flesh. That explains the hate from the wookies in church.
Total weight loss: 76 pounds and at least three hat sizes.